About Me

London, United Kingdom
This blog is neither trendy or exclusive. It is a record of the creative efforts made by two equally extravagant but ever so different sisters in their attempt to gather up the pieces of their relationship. So far this has included Tom&Jerry cakes, hand made skirts, late night phone calls, silhouette portraits, documenting scenic walks, hospital rooms and many, many illustrated letters. Like all things worthwhile this journey is undoubtedly going to be long. And loud. And colourful. And blissfully exhausting, but we hope that you'll come along, or at least watch from a distance as we serve up the fruits of our joys and frustrations each Sunday until death do us part. Or until we grow out of puberty and realize we were being irrational and really just want to be accountants.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Week 47

Hey chikadees!
So this weekend we went and visited our Grandma and Grandad in the rollicking countryside of Hertfordshire and we'll tell you now: city dwellers do not be fooled, the East End has nothing on village life. They had a village fete on so not only did we get to see our Grandma line dancing over people's graves, but learn of the extravaganza that is a dolly drop. We'd never heard of the phenomena before, but it goes something like this:
For a fare of 50p, you get to strap a makeshift parachute to your favourite dolly, give it to the vicar then watch him throw it off the top of the church tower.

This week we love...

Would love to say that I contributed to this creative process with more than just cutting, pasting and framing, but lying's bad for the health and I have a busy day tomorrow.

Attack and Release-The Black Keys

Attack and Release sounds like a mix between Jimi Hendrix, BB King and Johnny Cash and my god is it good.Unlike their usual stuff this album is short of high tempo tracks, however this is not in the slightest a bad thing. Released in 2008 is the duo's first studio album and is filled with dusty, bluesy music where you'll find their song writing at its finest. having being criticized for sounding too polished I think its only a reflection on it being a studio album rather than a change in the band. You can imagine listening to this album in a smoke filled road side bar, and imagining doing so makes it that much better. Personal favourites would be Psychotic Girl and Things Ain't Like They Used To Be. Enjoy!

The Class- Laurent Cantet

The Class (Entre les Murs) tracks the academic progress of a rowdy class of 14 year olds from the 20th arrondissement of Paris over the course of an academic year. Based on the semi autobiographical novel by Francois Begaudeau (who plays his own part as the teacher), the cast are all students, teachers and parents of the Francoise Dalto High School where Begaudeau used to teach. Having excluded professional actors or even a script, the film is a frustrating, funny and sometimes depressing slice of life as both France's crumbling education system and the social issues surrounding its immigrant population are laid bare. Think a lighter take on Kidulthood, limited to the school environment and with a healthy dose of French wit.

IKEA Edmonton- Glover Drive, Enfield, London N18 3HF

I resent that you can't express your love for IKEA nowadays without sounding like a sad hipster wannabee echoing 500 Days of Summer, but I really to fucking love this place. An experience that I usually hold sacred to hanging out with my maja, like bra shopping or watching Eastenders, today I went out solo and my I say, it was glorious. Not only was I able to buy 15 picture frames of various shapes and sizes for 20 pounds, I also nabbed a 30 metre roll of paper for 3 quid, and a serving of macaroni cheese for 99p. Also spent the required amount of time perusing all the different pretend kitchens and bedrooms, drawing up a list of what I'd buy once I had more than a hundred pounds to my name. Haters, stay away, IKEA is the land of dreamers.


I was rummaging through my paper collection the other day and found this gem written by a certain five year old:


Fish are great pets.
They don't do much but swim around people say. But I think that fish have a world of their own, where they go to school and draw great pictures (like me). I think that fish are very smart (like Emily). I also think that fish eat spaghetti for tea not just fish food. I might invite some fish to my next party.
- Chelsea Brewer

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