About Me

London, United Kingdom
This blog is neither trendy or exclusive. It is a record of the creative efforts made by two equally extravagant but ever so different sisters in their attempt to gather up the pieces of their relationship. So far this has included Tom&Jerry cakes, hand made skirts, late night phone calls, silhouette portraits, documenting scenic walks, hospital rooms and many, many illustrated letters. Like all things worthwhile this journey is undoubtedly going to be long. And loud. And colourful. And blissfully exhausting, but we hope that you'll come along, or at least watch from a distance as we serve up the fruits of our joys and frustrations each Sunday until death do us part. Or until we grow out of puberty and realize we were being irrational and really just want to be accountants.

Sunday 20 March 2011

Week 41

Hey chicks,
So I'm sitting on my bed listening to Angus and Julia Stone, my face hurting from spending too much time squinting through a kaleidoscope and thinking we could all probably do with a bit more childish excitement in our day to day lives. Maybe not excitement actually because that can get a bit manic, and often leads to disappointment, but maybe wonder. We should probably spend more time wondering.
Tatyana Tolstaya seems pretty good at it so here's an extract from her short story, 'Rendezvous With a Bird'

Peace and quiet in the circle of light on the white tablecloth. On saucers, fans of cheese, of sausage, wheels of lemon as if a small yellow bicycle had been broken; ruby lights twinkled in the jam.
Petya was given a large bowl of porridge; a melting island of butter floated in the sticky Stargasso Sea. Go under, buttery Atlantis. No one will be saved. White palaces with emerald scaly roofs, stepped temples with tall doorways covered with streaming curtains of peacock feathers, enormous golden statues, marble staircases going deep into the sea, sharp silver obelisks with inscriptions in an unknown tongue- everything, everything will vanish under water. The transparent green ocean waves were licking the projections of the temple; tanned, crazed people scurried to and for, children wept...
Looters hauled precious chests made of aromatic wood and dropped them; a whirlwind of flying clothing spread...Nothing will be of use, nothing will help, no one will be saved, everything will slip, list, into the warm, transparent waves...The gold eight-storey statue of the chief deity, with a third eye in his forehead, swayed, and looked sadly to the east...
"Stop playing with your food!"

Fucking Uncle Borya, such a killjoy.

This week we love...

La Maison De Mon RĂªve-CocoRosie
This debut album by sisters Sierra and Bianca Cassidy, was recorded in the bathroom of their Parisian apartment in 2004. Their is a strong chance you won't like it on the first listen but it will grow on you. It resounds to the sound of blues, gospel, early jazz and folk, yet has the background sound of childrens toys and childlike vocals . However the lyrics do seem to twist between a feel of innocence and torturous tales, which drag you into their own little universe which can only be appreciated in the right mood. Despite the slightly amateurish feel of this album, it really is pretty splendid. Personal favourite would have to be"By Your Side'.. especially enjoy the lyrics ' I want to be your housewife, I want to wear your black eyes"...class!

Up- Pete Docter and Bob Peterson

Apart from my ridiculous housemate Josh I imagine that you've all already seen this, but I was trying to think of a film that would go with the whole kaleidoscope theme and this is what came to mind. If you should ever, ever have the opportunity to watch this in 3D go, grab your hat and go! The shot of the balloons exploding out of the top of the house and lifting it past New York skyscrapers is incredible but visual wonders aside, it's a pretty heartwarming tale. I cried three times throughout and left the cinema wanting to grow old with a man with lots of ties.

Shepherds Bookbinders Ltd, formerly Falkiner Fine Paper- 76 Southampton Row, London, WC1B 4AR

Drove past this place on the bus about a million times, each time making a mental note to drop by next time I was in the area but when I finally hauled my sorry self over I thought it had shut down. Turns out I was just standing outside the wrong shop but somewhere in my confusion I made a solemn pledge to be better at supporting independent shops, so I guess that means bye bye Paperchase. As the name suggests, Shepherds Bookbinders


Recently realising I know a ridiculous amounts of Mexican pun jokes.. for example,

Why don't mexicans cross the border in groups of 3?

Cause it says no trespassing!

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