About Me

London, United Kingdom
This blog is neither trendy or exclusive. It is a record of the creative efforts made by two equally extravagant but ever so different sisters in their attempt to gather up the pieces of their relationship. So far this has included Tom&Jerry cakes, hand made skirts, late night phone calls, silhouette portraits, documenting scenic walks, hospital rooms and many, many illustrated letters. Like all things worthwhile this journey is undoubtedly going to be long. And loud. And colourful. And blissfully exhausting, but we hope that you'll come along, or at least watch from a distance as we serve up the fruits of our joys and frustrations each Sunday until death do us part. Or until we grow out of puberty and realize we were being irrational and really just want to be accountants.

Sunday 22 August 2010

Week 12

Hello sweet peas!
Well we're still whiling away the hours before holidays end and we resume normal life and while it's all very well complaining about having too much spare time and having to hang out in a cottage knitting all day, it's a little bit worrying that it'll soon come to an end. I mean, no one warns you that when you take a gap year/get admitted into a rehabilitation centre you have the impossible luxury of all the freedom in the world minus any responsibility. And it can make you very selfish. How many people get to wake up whenever they want 7 days a week, and can fly to Vienna just to see Klimt's paintings in real, or eat out for days on end to avoid washing up, or have a toilet roll war until 5 o'clock in the morning just for the hell of it? Not that we're going to stop doing any of those things, but very soon we'll have to do a whole load of other things, things that maybe we don't really want to do and that make us tiered and grumpy but you can't really complain because everyone has to do them, and I think it's going to be hard. Yeah, raise your eyebrows at the spoiled pair of girls, but Ginny just had a dream that she was best friends with Ellen Paige and I stood them both up so we were whizzed through time to a hotel as Jewish slaves wearing loin cloths. If that's not a legit signal of anxiety I don't know what is.

Our very own little animation. Sorry it's a bit slow but we couldn't figure out how to make it any faster. We got the idea from Sleepy Hollow but funnily enough when we typed it into Google images, this is what came up:

This week we love...

Jonsi- Go

Sigur Ros' Jonsi Birgisson's first solo album was meant to be a low key, largely acoustic affair but according to the artist "somewhere along the line, it just sort of exploded". Couldn't have been better explained. It's beautiful, but just so, so energetic and full of excitement it makes you feel like you're looking forward to something amazing, or catching a plane to see the love of your life. Or to use another's words: "it does cartwheels when it bloody well feels like it, cries when it wants to and raises the bar for songwriters like Sufjan Stevens who have similarly heady classical predilections." - paste magazine. Favourites include 'Tornado' and the majestic 'Boy Lilikoi'.

Gainsbourg- Joann Sfar

I know that we featured a biopic just last week with 'Control' but this really is something very different. The life of Serge Gainsbourg, from his childhood as a Jewish boy in Nazi-occupied Paris to his explosive music career culminating in the 60s, was insane. Joann Sfar seems to appreciate this and rather than offer a classical biographical tale like that of Edith Piaf in 'La Vie en Rose', has used his considerable experience as an illustrator to serve up his personal vision of Gainsbourg, focusing on the musician's creative fantasies and his relationship to women. It's not chronological and the use of puppets and fantastic costumes brings in a strong element of the absurd, but it's crazy, sexy and beautiful so you should probably check it out. Get excited by the trailer here.

The Breakfast Club, Soho- 33 D'Arblay Street, London W1F 8EU

The mothership of the three cosy cafs in London Town, the Breakfast Club in Soho is fucking lovely. Until recently I worked in a rival Soho cafe but as we were more the tea and cake sort I'd send anyone coming in for baked beans down the road, and I'm glad I did. The food is scrumptious, the atmosphere very cosy (the 80s children that set it up filled it with their childhood knick knacks) and I ate a full American breakfast (pancakes, streaky bacon, sausage, poached egg and has browns) plus a virgin apple Mojito for ten pounds. Didn't eat for the rest of the day so I'd say it's pretty good value for money.


The most amazing video clip we've seen in ages, Her Morning Elegance by Oren Lavie. Sneak a peek right now!

And as promised:

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