About Me

London, United Kingdom
This blog is neither trendy or exclusive. It is a record of the creative efforts made by two equally extravagant but ever so different sisters in their attempt to gather up the pieces of their relationship. So far this has included Tom&Jerry cakes, hand made skirts, late night phone calls, silhouette portraits, documenting scenic walks, hospital rooms and many, many illustrated letters. Like all things worthwhile this journey is undoubtedly going to be long. And loud. And colourful. And blissfully exhausting, but we hope that you'll come along, or at least watch from a distance as we serve up the fruits of our joys and frustrations each Sunday until death do us part. Or until we grow out of puberty and realize we were being irrational and really just want to be accountants.

Sunday 8 August 2010

Week 10

Ello my lovelies!
Well we have finally escaped the oxymoron that is the British summer and are getting giddy on SPF and Badoit at the Dragonara Resort, Malta. However as we've just arrived we'll give you a full report of our fun in the sun next week and will now take the time to recapitulate the happenings of the past 7 days (there's been a lot so bullet points somehow seem appropriate):
. stayed in a MacMansion. filled the 23 bedrooms and 6 acres of land with the delinquents that are our extended family. drank a dangerous amount of gin. ran into a wall. fell into a lavender bush. passed out in the swimming pool. puked up on Ginny. spent the next 3 days recovering.
went to a cheese museum. played croquet very poorly. visited a big ass cathedral in Wess. saw a bunch of old men playing bridge in a building marked simply as 'The Conservative Club'.wondered around some caves and felt chilly (it was only 11 degrees in there!). fannied around the city of Bath but got scared away by all the tourists. found a Dalek in the garage. generally led a rock star life and enjoyed the idea that Nicolas Cage had stayed in the house before us.

Take a scabby old swimsuit from a vintage shop, change the buttons, hem in the sides so that it fits you perfectly, lean forward so your legs look skinnier than they are and ahoyhoy you're suddenly a pretty decent sailor girl. Swimsuit was found at Beyond Retro, buttons from Liberty's and sailor hat from some old crow at a flea market in Marseille.
Total cost of outfit: £25

This week we love...

Is This It- The Strokes

Nothing hot off the shelves we know but the heavy drums and voice that reminds us ever so slightly of Radiohead have got us hooked this week so there you go. It's probably already had the shit analyzed out of it so we won't add anymore unnecessary comments just that it makes us feel like smooth criminals and that you should probably also check out 'Post Modern Girls' featuring Regina Spektor. Bit of a strange one but we swear it grows on you.

Rough Aunties- Kim Longinotto

I often shy away from documentaries or reports on third world countries knowing that they'll either depress the shit out of me or make me feel guilty for not being out there distributing AIDS medicines/food supplements/hope and words of wisdom, but it didn't happen with Rough Aunties I felt sad for the women and children who'd been victims of abuse and shocked that South Africa as a country could have such a backwards mentality as to turn a blind eye to that kind of suffering but I also felt relieved, because while politicians may be out there promoting 1001 different policies to save the world these women showed that all you really need to do is treat children with love. it's no Disney movie but it does have a happy ending and will probably bring a little perspective to your life.

Cheddar Gorge- Cheddar, Somerset BS27 3QF

Where to begin? We came here on a day trip with our Grandpapie and somehow managed to get Senior Citizen Passes so were offered all the delights of this tourist haven in one neat package. First was the ride up to the cliffs on a green double decker bus with orange leather seats, then the marching around Gough's Cave freezing our tits off but seeing some pretty lovely mirror pools (ine one of them the reflected stalactites looked like a tiny Swiss village) and some massive rolls of Cheddar cheese maturing in metal cages followed by complimentary cream tea in a restaurant that seemed to be entirely run by flustered 14 year olds. Then came the cheese museum where we watched a 25 minute video on how to make cheddar while some poor bloke was doing the real thing just behind the glass and probably feeling like a specimen in a zoo. Turns out it really isn't all that exciting making cheddar, as much as the dramatic classical music accompanying the video might try to make you think otherwise but we got a whack load of testers at the end of the tour and the shop sold some fucking delicious onion jam. We also managed to snag some uber tacky 'Cheddar Gorge' badge pins for £1.50 so all in all a success I'd say.

Our Welsh Uncles introduced us to the wonders of Welsh slang, mainly saying 'tidy' a lot and shit like 'Who's coat is that jacket?' so this is in homage to them. We think it's hilarious.
Click here.

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