About Me

London, United Kingdom
This blog is neither trendy or exclusive. It is a record of the creative efforts made by two equally extravagant but ever so different sisters in their attempt to gather up the pieces of their relationship. So far this has included Tom&Jerry cakes, hand made skirts, late night phone calls, silhouette portraits, documenting scenic walks, hospital rooms and many, many illustrated letters. Like all things worthwhile this journey is undoubtedly going to be long. And loud. And colourful. And blissfully exhausting, but we hope that you'll come along, or at least watch from a distance as we serve up the fruits of our joys and frustrations each Sunday until death do us part. Or until we grow out of puberty and realize we were being irrational and really just want to be accountants.

Sunday 3 April 2011

Week 43

Hello babaloos,
So while this week was seeming fairly eventful, flying to France, exploring charming villages, watching a drunk cause a spectacle in Marseille, it's all just been shat on by Mr Roald Dahl. I picked up a collection of his short stories 'The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More', and not only do I discover that his genius was not limited to children's stories, but he also had a terribly exciting life, traveling all over the world, gunning German planes down in WW2 and chilling out with old Franklin Roosevelt. Trying to persuade myself that it was just because of the times but might just have to quit uni and become a rockstar, drug peddler or journalist.

By clicking on the picture above you should be taken to a google page. Click on the first option and it should download a word document of Dahl's short story 'The Hitchhiker'. Just in case you fancied a read.

Speaking of men with ridiculously interesting lives, my Grandad John build up a pretty mean stamp collection back in the day and had all these crazy stamps of countries that don't even exist anymore. In a moment of madness he handed said collection to my 7 year old self but after 12 years of undeserving ownership I have assembled some of these bad boys and hung them up on the wall. 80 down, only about 500 more to go!

This week we love...

Love this dude on the left, just checking his phone, maybe even playing snake, totally nonchalant despite looking like he escaped from a music box.

Comin' Home To the Blues Vol.2-Various Artists

Described as the Whose Who of blues hall of fame, this CD is essential if you have even a passing interest in blues music.
This really is a classic CD if its type. There are tracks by Howlin' Wolf, Bo Didley, sonny Boy Williamson, Chuck Berry, Muddy Waters, Elmore James. Little Walter, Otis Rush, Etta James,Willie Dixon, John Lee Hooker, Jimmy Rogers, Koko Taylor,Washboard Sam and Lowell Fulson.There is a total of 24 tracks on t. And fun fact! Washboard Sam really does play washboard Blues on his song, Diggin' My Potatoes...Amazing!

The Fighter- David O Russell

I'm pretty sure the Coen Brothers spelt out the formula for this kind of movie in Barton Fink: choose an underdog, someone from a disadvantaged background with some sort of emotional baggage and have him fight his way to the top against all odds. Oh and probably let him get the girl. So it's not particularly highbrow, but then again neither are baked beans or trash magazines and it doesn't stop us enjoying them, and as overdone as boxing films may be, there is something very satisfying about them. The soundtrack is good, there's a clear line between goodies and baddies, the best man always wins and in this one there's the added bonus of having Christian Bale play a tragic crackhead. Sarky comments aside though it really is an entertaining film, I left the cinema with my little brother all hyped up about punching people in the face and wearing grey sweatshirts so you know it's good. Right?

The Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences
University of Cambridge
Downing Street

If you happen to have some spare time whilst wondering round Cambridge, this place is definatly worth checking out. It features an entire Darwin section, including a quiz on his life and work..which im ashamed to say i got 4 out of 12 in.. embarrasement right there. However passing through this museum you will explore more the 500 million years of the history of life on earth. The ice ages is impressive as is the large dinosaur that is in the entrance. Another favourite would be the jurassic sea creature fossil on display. So for a bit of a free cultural experience this is the place to go. On a side note, the little boy in the picture seemed both scared and proud to be posing for us with the bear statue.


So the Jetsons' cleaning lady finally escaped and is running a fucking riot in the South of France. Just thought you should be aware.

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