About Me

London, United Kingdom
This blog is neither trendy or exclusive. It is a record of the creative efforts made by two equally extravagant but ever so different sisters in their attempt to gather up the pieces of their relationship. So far this has included Tom&Jerry cakes, hand made skirts, late night phone calls, silhouette portraits, documenting scenic walks, hospital rooms and many, many illustrated letters. Like all things worthwhile this journey is undoubtedly going to be long. And loud. And colourful. And blissfully exhausting, but we hope that you'll come along, or at least watch from a distance as we serve up the fruits of our joys and frustrations each Sunday until death do us part. Or until we grow out of puberty and realize we were being irrational and really just want to be accountants.

Monday 6 September 2010

Week 14

Hello buckaroos!
(ha, feel like I should be wearing dungarees and holding a pick-axe!)
A thousand apologies for the late posting, a certain young lady moved into her new house yesterday and expected her palatial bedroom to be double-coated in paint by the end of the day, so duty called.
It's been a strange week with tension rising in our little cottage until we had a big shout, a big cry, decided we needed to stop being such squares and rode down an epic hill with no helmets and Ginny on the bike rack. Wild. And while the adrenaline rush has more or less died down this is our message for the week: get over yourself.
You know those stupid urges you get, and your hand is just itching to throw a plate at the wall/stroke a stranger's fur coat/hold that nice looking boy's hand: you should probably just do it.

Our project this week was to make the most amazing moving-in hamper the world has ever seen. This ended up comprising of: a marshmellow mermaid pie (as seen above), a jar of pesto made with the basil from our grannies garden, a bottle of the same lovely lady's home made elderflower cordial, little tupper ware boxes of meals to last a week, 2 handmade pillows (featured) and some draw liners that supposedly smell of white flowers. Not too shabby.

This week we love...

Tales of the Forgotten Melodies- Wax Tailor
Big big thank you to Katherine for recommending this guy to us. Feels like an appropriate follow up to Onra, like the cheese platter at the end of a lively dinner party. You feel happily drowsy and all the excitement has fizzled down to a contented smile and random but brilliant conversation, you know where everyone talks really slowly and thinks they're enlightened. Tales of the Forgotten Memories is a 'sample based hip hop journey', or as I'd say, some groovy music with lots of snippets taken from old films. Very chilled, very mellow and you can play it as loud or as soft as you like depending on how stoned you are. Better find a couch and some friends who've read Jung.

The Beat that my Heart Skipped- Jacques Audiard

A remake of Toback's 1978 film 'Fingers', The Beat my Heart Skipped follows the story of Tom, real estate thug and aspiring concert pianist. Presenting the young man's struggle between his town lifestyles, Audiard holds up the base reality of a shady business world and stands it in contrast to the redeeming and almost ecclesiastical quality of classical music. There's no racy soundtrack and the mafiosas don't have concise little catch phrases or sunglasses but it's all the more shocking for it. Harshly realistic and stripped of any glamour. Big thumbs up to Romain Duris for actually playing all his own pieces and practicing like a maniac to manage Bach's Tocata in E minor.

A sneak peak at Cambridge:
In a nutshell: Harry Potter fantasy freakishly close to being realized. If my better judgement hadn't got the better of me I'd say Ginny and I would have spent the day chasing each other down side alleys screaming 'wingadio leviosa!' But it did, so we didn't and spent the day mossying around town, drinking tea and soaking up the atmosphere. Think Britannia, but not in the 'we are the Empire, look at our enormous white buildings' kind of way. It's pretty much everything romantic that foreigners have ever allowed themselves to associate with England and even though it was gorgeous and sunny while we were there, I could completely imagine snuggling up in one of those little brick buildings and playing Scrabble until the wee hours of the morning, getting pissed on Sherry and smoking a pipe.


Somehow decided that it would be a good idea to stay up til 2am drawing faces on bananas so that whenever we wanted to eat one we'd have to 'evict' it from our big brother house. Candidates include the Elephant Man, Welma from Scooby Doo, Adolph Hitler, a transvestite, a fat chav and Brad Pitt look alike. Who will go first, nobody can say at the minute.

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