About Me

London, United Kingdom
This blog is neither trendy or exclusive. It is a record of the creative efforts made by two equally extravagant but ever so different sisters in their attempt to gather up the pieces of their relationship. So far this has included Tom&Jerry cakes, hand made skirts, late night phone calls, silhouette portraits, documenting scenic walks, hospital rooms and many, many illustrated letters. Like all things worthwhile this journey is undoubtedly going to be long. And loud. And colourful. And blissfully exhausting, but we hope that you'll come along, or at least watch from a distance as we serve up the fruits of our joys and frustrations each Sunday until death do us part. Or until we grow out of puberty and realize we were being irrational and really just want to be accountants.

Sunday 6 June 2010

Week 1

Ladies and jellybeans welcome to week one of the Pleasant Sunday Afternoon Association. In celebration of our founding member's release from the nut house, we would like to bestow upon you the gems of our boredom. Hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

This here is our very own Hansel&Gretel house. It was made with 39p biscuits, dolly mixture and shit loads of icing. Happy Birthday to a very special lady.

This week we love...

Kings & Queens- Jamie T

Not only do we love the album cover but the music inside brings out your inner Vinnie Jones and makes you want to be the shit out of everyone. And yes, even if you are 14 and living in the suburbs.

Les triplettes de Belleville- Sylvain Chomet

An incredibly witty animation which is visually both beautiful and grotesque in the way only a French film could be.
Personal favourites include the gigantic boats and the use of hand grenades to fish for frogs.

Also... jumbo prawns covered in lemon juice and cracked pepper.

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